How does this all work?

Visitors: We welcome visitors to EcoApprentice! You are free to read our EcoChallenges, EcoSolutions, Blog, and comments without becoming a member. If you would like to participate in the discussion, offer up great ideas for EcoSolutions, or post EcoChalleges, you need to become a member.

See all EcoChallenges | See all EcoSolutions

Check out the EcoChallenges and EcoSolutions: Each challenge or solution is unique. Click on the name of the challenge to read about it. The Challenger is the name of the business, school, or nonprofit organization that posted the EcoChallenge.

What are the EcoCategories? On the EcoChallenges page, there are 8 round icons which represent different sustainability categories. Scroll over each icon to see a definition. Click on each icon to search for EcoChallenges or EcoSolutions in that category. Here are a few examples of our Sustainability Icons:

Become a Member Free: Click on the Become a Member free button on the front page. It's easy and fast. Enter your name, email, business/nonprofit/school name (if applicable) and a password, then click Agree to the Terms of Service. Check your email for a one-click verification link. EcoApprentice Activation will be the subject. Click the link and you are back to EcoApprentice as a member. That's it!

Membership Category: When signing up to become a member, choose the membership category that best fits. Business - You are an owner or employee of a business; College - You are faculty or staff at a college or university; Nonprofit - you represent, volunteer, or work for a nonprofit organization; Student - you are an enrolled student at a college, university, or trade school; School of Life - you are not enrolled as a student or representing a business, but have great ideas to share!

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